Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bush's speech

UPDATE: I was just reading Bush's speech again. If you haven't read it yet, YOU NEED TO READ IT.

Now, if only the president can make these same points in a debate format...

UPDATE, II: Because I fear some of you won't take my advice, here are a couple of beautiful lines:

My opponent's endless back-and-forth on Iraq is part of a larger misunderstanding. In the war on terror, Senator Kerry is proposing policies and doctrines that would weaken America and make the world more dangerous. His — Senator Kerry approaches the world with a September the 10th mind-set. He declared in his convention speech that "any attack will be met with a swift and certain response." That was the mind-set of the 1990s, while al Qaeda was planning the attacks on America. After September the 11th, our object in the war on terror is not to wait for the next attack and respond, but to prevent attacks by taking the fight to the enemy....

Tyrants and terrorists will not give us polite notice before they launch an attack on our country.
(Applause.) I refuse to stand by while dangers gather. In the world after September the 11th, the path to safety is the path of action. And I will continue to defend the people of the United States of America. (Applause.) Thank you all. Thank you all....

Instead, the Senator would have America bend over backwards to satisfy a handful of governments with agendas different from our own. This is my opponent's alliance-building strategy: brush off your best friends, fawn over your critics. And that is no way to gain the respect of the world....


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